What do you need to do to enter the Carbon Capture Awards?
First, please read through the category list and decide which categories you wish to enter. Remember, you can enter as many categories as you wish. You will pay a first entry fee, then any second and subsequent entries are free of charge.
Next, assemble the information you need to make your entry. There may be subtle differences between what you may need to present for each category, so please make sure you prepare to draft your submission with the specific category in mind, retuning the words if you need to enter the same entry in another category. This is especially important for the 100-word summary you provide for each entry.
Then, you will need to write your submission. There is a limit on the number of words in any one submission. While 1,500 words seems a lengthy essay, a complex submission will quickly chew through that number. But be aware, the judges will mark down over-length submissions, so please watch the word count. Similarly, the judges will vote higher any paper that is concisely written with no unnecessary hyperbole or self-promotion. You can supply additional information to support your submission (see below), which will not affect your 1500 word count.
Please pay particular attention to any specific criteria for the category you wish to enter, though we have avoided being overly prescriptive about criteria in this first year of the Awards. The judges will appreciate your extra effort, even if it is simply to provide an introductory sentence or two as evidence that you have addressed the category’s criteria.
Will you need to provide additional support material?
CCS/CCUS projects are good to illustrate and printed material, marketing material, branded items, photographs and video can all be used to great effect in helping the judges to understand the case you are making. Please think about how you can support your entry, bearing in mind that any picture or branded material will help to make the Awards presentation more visually interesting.
At the very least, even if you have nothing else to show, please submit a high resolution (300 dpi at A4 size) file of your company’s logo and an electronic version of a photograph that best illustrates your entry.
How should you submit the information?
The whole of your entry – entry form, submission paper, payment, support documents, picture or video material, promotional literature or giveaways – can be submitted online. It is preferred if you can provide a URL to a microsite containing the visual material, that the judges can access.
Do not send finished manufactured products. Only submit written reports and testimonials, marketing material or published technical specifications, press coverage, high resolution photographic material and independently produced video material.
You need to supply only one copy of your support material, even if you enter the same or a revised submission into more than one category. However, if your entries are for different products, brands or projects, or are in very different categories, or you make several diverse entries in a single category, then you will need to provide support material for each entry you make.
Will the information you provide be kept safe and confidential?
All entries are stored safely in a secure environment, accessed only by the Awards’ organising team. The judges each have to sign a confidentiality/non-disclosure letter in advance of the judging and the organisers undertake to keep securely any information marked as “not for publication”.
Except where indicated, submissions should relate to the period from Octoberber 1 2023 – February 28 2025.
The organisers reserve the right to retain entries for subsequent publication, both on- and offline in ways that enhance the standing of entrants, supporting partners and the Carbon Capture Awards themselves. Descriptions of submissions from winners and runners-up will be published in connection with the Awards. Entrants may mark certain sensitive parts of their entry ‘not for publication’ (such as exact data, etc.), provided such restrictions are not used unreasonably.
General entry information
Entries into the Carbon Capture Awards must be submitted online. Your written entry should not exceed 1,500 words (12 point type, single line spacing) saved in PDF format (5MB maximum file size), uploaded from your desktop to the Awards’ website. All entries should be uploaded following the template sections listed below. The Judges will automatically vote lower any entries exceeding the stipulated word count. Please adhere to these basic rules of entry, together with any other specific criteria described below.
Do not send finished manufactured products or vehicles. Only submit written reports and testimonials, marketing material or published technical specifications, press coverage, high resolution photographic material, independently produced video material or road/flight/rail/sea tests.
Template guide
Your URL and your written entry are the basis on which the judges will vote for and short-list your entry. They should show how your company met its aims, employed innovative techniques, developed new products or services, employed effective marketing to promote products or expertise, was of real benefit to customers/users, and, when relevant, delivered client satisfaction and a return on investment. At the beginning of your submission the following information must be listed:
- Category entered
- Title of entry
- Company name
- Entering company (if entered by an agency for a client)
The Judges will need to access your business website. (Please note that the website must remain live or be accessible in an archive for the judges to access until August 31 2025).
Within your submission document please use the following as sub-headings under which you clearly enter your information, depending on the type of category you are entering:
- Aims for project/deal
- Strategy employed (especially if new strategy was initiated)
- Specific implementation as it relates to the category
- Specific details of outcome
If you are emphasising innovation in your entry please provide the following information to help the judges understand your entry:
- Aim of innovation
- Description of innovation
- Innovation implemented
- Outcome, including customer feedback, testimonials, formal evaluation of results, ROI, etc
Support material
Entries to the Awards must be submitted online. The URL to your website is one item of support you need. If you wish to provide additional support material please provide a URL to a supporting micro site in your submission paper, as well as the primary URL to the business site. If you are a manufacturer, distributor or installer we do not expect you to send us vehicles or equipment. We do expect to receive marketing or technical information and videos, of course, but we also expect to receive independently written press reports, results of trials/tests, and independent expert assessment or video files to support the claims in your entry. The judges will want to feel fully informed about your project or activities, so please include whatever you feel is appropriate and relevant for your entry. If an entry is entered into more than one category, please indicate this clearly, but remember you need to upload only one support URL and set of supporting material, irrespective of how many times a submission is entered. If each entry is about a different product, project or campaign, however, you will need to provide supporting material for each one.
Please refer to the entry fees page for full information on fees and payment.
Any website that breaks national or international laws or offends public, religious, national or gender-specific sensitivities will be disqualified. If an entry is disqualified for any reason the entry fees will not be refunded.